Bibliographic Data
- Authors: Pape J.K., Stephan T., Balzarotti F., Büchner R., Lange F., Riedel D., Jakobs S.*, and Hell S.W.*
- Title: Multicolor 3D MINFLUX nanoscopy of mitochondrial MICOS proteins
- Journal: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
- Volume: 117
- Issue: 34
- Volume: 20607-20614
- DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2009364117
(*shared corresponding authors) Highlighted in PNAS
Superresolution fluorescence microscopy (nanoscopy) has enabled the study of protein distributions in cellular organelles, albeit only down to a 3D resolution of 20 to 40 nm. By targeting single emitters with a doughnut-shaped excitation beam, the recently introduced MINFLUX nanoscopy provides single-digit nanometer 3D localizations of fluorescent labels. We show an application of multicolor MINFLUX nanoscopy to the imaging of densely packed labeled proteins, specifically of subunits of the MICOS complex, a large protein complex within the mitochondrial inner membrane. In conjunction with a mathematical framework for the identification of individual molecules and their positions, our results open the door to the analysis of the nanoscale arrangement of proteins within oligomeric protein complexes using focused visible light.