Plasmid Dreiklang

vector card


  • Name:Dreiklang
  • Vector Card: Download
  • Base Pairs (count):4150
  • Vector Backbone:pQE-31
  • Selection Marker:β-Lactamase
  • Promoter:T5 Promotor


Brakemann T., Stiel A.C., Weber G., Andresen M., Testa I., Grotjohann T., Leutenegger M., Plessmann U., Urlaub H., Eggeling C., Wahl M.C., Hell S.W.*, Jakobs S.* (2011): "A reversibly photoswitchable GFP-like protein with fluorescence excitation decoupled from switching". Nature Biotechnology 29, 942-947. DOI 10.1038/nbt.1952. (*shared corresponding authors) Highlighted in Nature Biotechnoloy. Journal Cover Nature Biotechnology Oct. 2011. Access the recommendation on F1000Prime